Insurance Card:
You will be asked to provide your identification card at each visit to enable Foothill Family Clinic to bill your insurance company directly. We will scan this card into our computer system at least once a year. This procedure is required for every patient, including family members. If you have double coverage, you must present both cards at the time of service and notify the staff of the primary plan. If we are not a participating provider on your plan, we expect payment in full at the time of service but will provide you with the necessary information to submit to your insurance company.
Each insurance company offers a variety of benefit packages. It is the responsibility of the patient to know and understand his/her benefits before a visit. If you have a service or procedure that is not a covered benefit, it will be your responsibility to pay for the service. Please realize even if you have insurance, you may still be responsible for payment of deductibles and co-insurance amounts.
Accepted Insurance Plans:
- Select Health
- Coventry
- Aetna
- United Healthcare
- Regence Blue Cross Blue Shield of Utah
- Federal Blue Cross
- Humana (Commercial Only)
- Cigna
- Great West
- EMI Health
- First Health
- Mailhandlers
- Multiplan
- Wise
- Health Utah
- Tricare (Claims Processed as Out of Network)
Please be sure to verify your insurance with our scheduling staff when you call to book an appointment. Thank you.